Walkthrough for Hamil by Jonathan Partington Written by Richard Bos A few notes, first. One, make no mistake: this is not the hardest and certainly not the largest of the Phoenix games, but that doesn't mean it's actually easy or forgiving by today's standards. You can die easily. You can lose or destroy a necessary tool just as easily. Save often, and keep _all_ your save files until you've finished the game. Some of the puzzles are logical; some are not. One of the meanest tricks of this game is that if you spend more than a certain number of turns in one location, you are randomly and arbitrarily killed. Remember this if you want to experiment. Two, the parser is limited, but good. I have not found any place where using prepositions or indirect objects ("hit tree with axe") is necessary or even possible. By contrast, the game is good at giving you less to type. If there is only one object, simply "get" will take it; if there are several, it will assume the first one listed. Ditto for "drop", which will drop the first object in your inventory; and ditto for several other verbs. "Get all" is provided for, as well. In the Topologika version, so are multiple objects (as in "get bread, eggs and milk") and "drop all but sword". Third, I'm not taking you past all the sights and clues. Also, these games (unfashionably, these days) expect a lot of experimentation and learning-by- dying to solve them, none of which can easily be done in a walkthrough. Because of this, before you resort to reading this walkthrough you might want to try the in-game hints. There is a zip file which contains documentation for all the Topologika adventures, including Hamil. The main part of these is an index of hints available in the game. You look up the problem you're stuck at, find a number, type "help" and that number, and you get a (varyingly subtle) hint. The ZCode version does not have these, but the hints in the Topologika port are just as valid for the original. Finally, this walkthrough (including the above notes) is for the Topologika MS-DOS game which is available at the IF Archive, for the ZCode version which was converted from the original Phoenix code, and for the BBC version (which is not on the Archive but can be found elsewhere on the web). As far as I have found, there are no real differences between the first two, but the BBC version has been somewhat curtailed. I do not know whether this walkthrough works for other versions, as well, or indeed if any exist. The main differences in the BBC version are that the Monster Maze is missing (and so, therefore, is the wand); the bottle must be opened in the room where the tapestry is found (in the other versions, it works its magic anywhere); and the parser is less good. Only the first four letters of words are significant (as was usual at the time on home computers). More importantly, "all" and multiple objects are not supported; where I tell you, below, to "drop all", you'll have to drop each individual object. There is one spot where this will run you into trouble with the aforementioned arbitrary killer, and I'll give a workaround for that. Wherever I need to mention different commands for the BBC, I'll mark them [B: like this]. (There are also some scenery objects missing from the BBC version. Where I tell you to "ignore this object", you might find it isn't there to ignore in the first place.) So, let's be off, then. You start in a stone chapel. Going out through the arch would be predictably lethal. Go east twice, therefore, take everything, go west, lift the slab, and go down. Turn on your lamp (which is done using simply the command "on"). Note the legend. This is, obviously, a substitution cypher: each letter in the code stands for one other letter in the plain text. The first three words stand for "The password is". What the password _is_ varies each game, but all its letters are present in the first part, so you should be able to decode it. By the way, you might want to note down this code; we will need it again. Go east, and say the password you've found. Now go west twice. Open the coffin. Without wasting a move, go east three times and take the tapestry. Go back west three times, take the documents, and go east and south. Go sw, south and west, take the bottle, [B: go e, n, ne, n, e], open the bottle, [B: go back w, s, sw, s, w], go east twice and take the cheese, then go west, north, ne and se, and fill your bottle. Go nw, w, sw, w, n, w. Take the egg. Go e, s, s, se and drop the egg. Now go sw, eat the cheese, and go south. You will hear a word; remember this. Go north, nw and ne, then n four times. Utter the word you heard in your dreams. Go south and get the "curved piece of wood". Consider what kind of object this could be... Go south twice. There may be a jackdaw here. If not, check the east and west parts of the court. Go to where the jackdaw is and throw the boomerang. Now go back to the centre of the court and then south before it turns back and hits you! Then go se and throw water. Go east, get the folio, and go back w, nw, n. Take everything that's here. Go east, ne, east. Drop all; take lamp. [B: Instead of the previous two commands: take inventory; drop the first four objects, skipping the lamp; go west and back east to reset the "arbitrary killer" counter; take inventory again; and drop all other objects except for the lamp.] Next we go visit two areas which look like mazes but, strictu sensu, aren't (even if one if them is called the Maze of Hamil). They are both perfectly normally laid-out; the maze-like aspect is that you are expected to take a twisted path through them. They're rather nice, really. Go ne and east. You are now (sans lamp, but we'll get it back) in an area in which you can visit each location only once, because if you leave one, it collapses. Go east again. There's a coin here. Take it. There are eight coins, all different, and you'll need them all. Since all coins are different and the paths don't twist, it is possible to map this area the normal way. If you do, you'll find that there is only one path which goes past them all - it wouldn't be much of a puzzle otherwise! From the first coin, go north, take the coin, east, get, south, get, sw, get, s, get, e, get, n, get, e. Drop all (and do this in one command, to avoid the random killer which appears after seven or so moves). [B: and because that doesn't work on the Beeb, and you can't do the object shuffle we did above in this room, you'll have them taken off you automatically.] Take the crown, go south, retrieve your lamp, go west, and sw. Drop the crown. Get the bottle, go se, and fill the bottle. Go east and northeast. You are now in the Lost World. This is another interesting area, in many ways the complement of the Maze of Hamil. Instead of visiting all rooms, you must (for reasons you can only discover by dying, and I'm not telling...) walk every path. This area, too, is perfectly mappable and perfectly regular. Again, if you do so, you will find the right path without too much trouble, although the nature of the problem dictates that in this case there are many equivalent paths. I suggest taking the following: w, n, e, e, e, s, s, s, w, w, w, n, e, e, e, e, n, w, w, w, s, s, s, e, n, n, n, n, n, w, s, s. You are now (although you aren't told so) back where you started, and can safely go down, twice. Take the bust. Go west, take the whistle, and go d, w, nw. Go east, throw the water and drop the bottle. Go east and get the helmet (and ignore the valkyrie). Next go west twice and south. Blow the whistle and drop it, get the goblet and go north. Take the crown, documents, folio and ring. Go west, sw and west three times. Go north. Notice that both the tapestry and the statue have ended up here - this is the treasure vault, and we must store the rest of them here, as well. Drop all, and take back the documents, lamp and also the garlic. Go back south, east thrice, ne and east. Take the jackdaw and boomerang. Go nw. You will see a mural depicting one or two explorers. Each of these men is famous mainly for travels either to the north, east, south or west. If there's one, remember just his direction. If two, you must remember the compass point in between their explorations (e.g., for Columbus (west) and Peary (north), remember northwest). Ignore the wheel. I have no idea why it's there. It is not needed to finish the game. Go nw. Take heed of that voice: if you save now, you will have to return to the mural room before solving the puzzle it gives a clue to. Drop the jackdaw, and take it back. Take inventory, and note its changed description. We'll make use of that later. For now, go west twice, south, east twice and down. We have to choose one of these exits, but which? Well, if you remember your mural, that's the direction to take. Then go down until you reach the bottom. And hope its the right one - if you take the wrong stairs, the snark is a boojum, you see. Take the sapphires, then go back up to the dead end, then west twice, north and west. Take the talisman. With that, we come to a frankly tedious part of the game. That's because this talisman has the annoying habit of leaving itself behind when you move, every now and then. When this happens, go back one move and pick it back up. At least you will be told about it. Go east, south three times and southwest. Now we enter a maze. And not just any maze - it's a maize maze. In this maze, it is important that you carry the talisman. If you don't, you run the risk of getting killed by the maize spirits. And the talisman has that annoying habit... and because it's a maze, you can't just use "back" to go back one location to retrieve it. You have to know in which direction to go back. In the following lines, I shall give the route through the maze, with, for each step, also the direction to take back if you leave the talisman behind on that move. For example, if I say "east (back south)", then go east, and if you get the message about leaving the talisman behind, immediately go south, retrieve the talisman, and try east again. [B: In the Beeb version, this seems to happen only in the maze, but every turn in the maze. This makes no difference to the solution, but is _even more_ irritating.] Here we go, and I wish you patience. From the forest near the field, go west (back west), then east (back north), se (back ne), sw (back nw), west (back nw), se (back se), and east (back ne). Take the painting. Leave the maze by going ne (back e), se (back se), nw (back w), nw (back sw), ne (back se), north (back east) and finally west. If you dropped the talisman on the last move, good riddance. If not, you might as well drop it now - or wait for it to drop itself somewhere along the way. Go ne, north, west twice and north. Drop the boomerang, sapphires and painting. Go south, east thrice, northeast and east. Take everything. [B: There's only one thing here; the wand is missing from this version.] Go sw, west. Take the hexapod and feed it. Go e, ne, se, s. Drop the hexapod. It runs off either southwest, south or southeast. Follow it, and remember where it went. It runs off again; follow again and remember the path. Repeat until you meet its parent. Take your gift, then go back across the plain. To do so, simply go back along the path you just took: northwest for southeast, and so on until you reach the plain by the tunnel. Go north, nw, sw, w, sw. Eat the garlic and go west. Take the emeralds. Go east, se, e, e, se. Now we go south into the labyrinth. [B: This whole section has been cut from the BBC version. Skip to the notice below.] This is the most normal of the mazes in this game. One false move and you walk into a room with a monster, who will kill you if you don't go back - but unlike in the maize maze, here you can just use the "back" command to go back to the previous room, just as in the rest of the game. Go nw, n, se, e, n. There is a kobold here. Unlike the other monsters, you cannot walk around him. Unlike the other monsters, though, you can defeat him. Wave the wand. Go nw and take the crozier. Leave the labyrinth by going se, s, se, w, nw, s, n. [B: This is where BBC players need to join us again.] Go east and throw the jackdaw, go east twice and take the dilithium crystals. [B: On the Beeb, the crozier is here, and there are no dilithium crystals. This makes no real further difference.] Go west three times, nw, west and south. Turn off your lamp. Notice that word? It is a password, but... it is written in Hamil's code. The one you made a note of all the way back in the crypt, remember? Translate it, then enter the translated password - and do not use the encoded one! Turn your lamp back on and go south. Take the ruby. Go back to the vault: north three times, ne, west, sw, west three times, and north. Take no action yet - you only have a single move in the departure lounge, and it must be the right one. There are three notices. They are - not surprisingly - in code. Translate them. They talk about "orders" and "set", but of what, exactly? Well, of the code itself. You have made a note of the letters in the code - presumably sorted by code letter. Well, try sorting them the other way, in the order of the decoded letters, and see what the code letters spell in that ordering. You should have two words. Enter them, as a command: "nymphs waltz". Well, after all that, you still have not regained your Kingdom of Hamil... but you have reached Valhalla, which is arguably even better! There's just one thing I still want to know... what on Earth (or Hamil) does "O'GRAM" mean!?